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Watch Out: Dodgy NDIS Providers and How to Spot Their Tricks

08 Mar, 2024

The NDIS can be a game-changer for people with disabilities, offering the support needed to life life to the fullest. But here's the thing: not every provider out there has your best interests at heart. Yep, some are downright shady. Here's how to weed out the fakers and keep your NDIS journey on the straight and narrow!

Spotting a Red Flag:

  1. Dodging Questions: Legit NDIS Providers are upfront about what they offer and what the parameters of their role are. If they're dodging your questions, seemingly promising something that sounds too good to be true or being cagey, it's a big ol' red flag.

  2. Pressure Sales: If a Provider is pushing you to sign up ASAP or making promises that sound too good to be true, step back. Legitimate and professional companies give you space to make decisions.

  3. Feeling Hassled: Legit providers don't need to hassle you out of the blue. If someone's ringing your phone off the hook or showing up at your door uninvited, it's probably not a good sign.

  4. Promises of Miracles: Whilst we are definitaley able to assist with big changes in your life, no NDIS provider can guarantee you the moon. If they're making wild promises, unfortunately they're probably full of it.

  5. Financial Manipulation: Is the Provider in question offering you finanical assistance or the purchase of items you need under the guise that they will "bill a couple of extra hours out of your NDIS Plan to cover it"? This is a big red flag, shows a lack of honesty and is an easy way to get done for fraud - we have had experience with Providers pullinig shady moves like this, and can guarantee that it is not a good sign as to the integrity of their business. Our advice is to steer clear!

  6. Hiding the Goods: Real providers have nothing to hide. If they're refusing to show you their credentials or references, or aren't answering your questions regarding costing, invoicing, your NDIS funding and your NDIS Plan clearly... they're hiding something.

Sneaky Providers and What To Look Out For:

  1. Charging for Zilch: Some providers bill your NDIS Plan for services they never actually provide. It's like paying for air, but way less fun. Make sure you trust your CoS to recognise and call this out - this means ensuring that your CoS is not the one doing this themselves! Again, an honest and trustworthy Support Coordinator is essential.

  2. Backhand Deals: Watch out for providers who agree to 'trade referrals' between them. This is a sure sign that their first, and mayble only, priority is making money. It's shady business and definitely not cool.

  3. Low-Quality Services: If the care feels subpar or the staff seem sketchy, it's time to bail. You deserve better than shoddy treatment.

Protect Yourself:

  1. Do Your Homework: Before you commit to anything, snoop around. Speak with your CoS, check reviews, ask questions, and make sure the provider's on the up and up.

  2. Ask Away: Don't be shy—grill those providers with questions. Legit ones won't mind, and it's your right to know what you're signing up for.

  3. Speak Up: If you spot any dodgy behavior or suspect fraud, don't keep it to yourself. Report it pronto and save others from falling into the same trap. This is where your Support Coordinator comes in - they can assist by keeping an eye out for red flags and dodgy Providers, to ensure that you steer clear!

So, there you have it. Stay sharp, trust your gut, and don't let those shady Providers rain on your parade. You deserve top-notch support, no ifs, ands, or buts. Here at Zephyr Support Coordination we offer full transparency to all of our clients allowing them to have peace of mind in their NDIS journey.